Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
does anyone have any info on any family operations outside of chicago? ive heard that they have taken over some of the remaining rackets in milwaukee, and that they might still have some low level bookmaking/loansharking operations left in vegas but anywhere else? anything in south florida?

Going from memory on a RD Outfit chart they have some operatives over in Rockford, though its just a few guys, no capo leading it. Also, some offshore bookmaking I'm sure because they've connected guys from Aruba to DiFronzo.

Not sure what happened with Milwaukee but no one has technically listed them as defunct yet, although no doubt they most definitely are. Nicholas is right, Milwaukee is interesting. You could probably write a book on criminal psychology by reading up on Frank Balistrieri. He was absolutely, positively motivated by the need to lord over and dominate all those within his sphere. Despite arguably being a little less powerful than Felix Alderisio, he dubbed himself 'the most powerful man in Milwaukee' and matter of factly threatened the life of Pat Conte, the biggest heroin dealer in the world at the time. He got off on the smug sense of satisfaction and would often berate his own employees.

Last edited by BarrettM; 06/10/12 05:26 PM.