Originally Posted By: Nicholas

It's not about soccer being called football outside of the United States, it's about soccer being called soccer in Commonwealth Nations. Even the Afrikaans word describes it as "soccer". I'd figure it'd be easier for you to understand, you being Dutch and all.

All this started with you claiming they call football 'soccer' in the UK. Which they don't. Ask anyone from the UK. They've been calling it football since the the Middle Ages.

It's funny because I have had these discussions before. The word football comes from Europe. Then the US invented 'American Football', great sport BTW, and started calling the original football 'soccer'. Fine by me. Just don't be surprised if the rest of the world keeps calling football football.

Now you go look for another online picture from Africa or whatever, and I'll go take care of my massive hangover, the one I have from watching the biggest football match in two years last night.