Originally Posted By: Rompipalle
Originally Posted By: danielperrygin
Originally Posted By: Rompipalle
no good drunk rat

This has to be said every once in a while, without "rats" we would know jack sh*t about the mob, but of course i dont know if you were ever involved in the life in which case i guess you would know some stuff.

Hill's locked up episode is on natgeo right now. I enjoy it.

who cares about knowing anything about the mob a rat is what ruins it. it doesnt even have anything to do with just the mob (being a rat) it shows the type of coward back stabber you are, ya know what i mean?

I watched the documentarys and interviews on him i enjoyed them but hes still a no good rat.

Who cares about knowing anything about the mob? Why are you watching docs? If you want to choose life in jail/death by who knows what over having your life to live, be by guest. On top of all that what oath did Henry break? He made it to 69 when he could have died any day after he walked into.that cab stand. Say what you want about him cause i know im not changing your mind but Henry is the one who made the choices that kept him free and alive, dont see how you could fault him for that.