Ahh, he's on the opposite end of the Square.

1988 was a nice summer for me. I met many nice people, learned a great deal, and had a great time. The Phillie games were inexpensive at the Vet, so a grunt like me could still go to the ballpark pretty regularly. The Summer of 1988 was one of the all-time hottest summers too.

One quick memory I'll share:

There was a bar two blocks away that I'd visit a couple times a week. One week day night I was sitting at the bar with a buddy and Lee Majors and two friends sat next to us. He was filming in the city. He was talking mostly with my friend, who somehow found out he had a mutual friend with Majors, so I was talking mostly with the other guys.

A girl, who was drunk and giggly, kept approaching Majors, but every time she tried to talk to him, she'd laugh and mutter awkward, incoherent phrases. It became pretty uncomfortable, and after a half hour he left with his two buddies, rolling his eyes to indicate that the girl was getting out of hand.

A few weeks later I saw the same girl in the bar, but she was sober. She approached me and said, Aren't you the guy who knows Lee Majors?"

I said with a lot of enthusiasm, "Yes! You're the girl from that night when he was here. He called me the next day, wanting to know if I knew your name and phone number. He wanted to call you to get together with you some time, but I didn't know your name."

Her jaw nearly hit the floor as she looked as though she would faint. She grabbed a pen from a waitress and printed two copies of her name, address and phone number, so I could put one in my wallet and one in my pocket. I told her he'd be back in town next week to finish filming and guaranteed he'd be calling her for a date. She was going nuts.

That was the last time I went to that bar.