Where I live there is no issue with millions of Canadians flowing across the border and demanding we pronounce the word "about" as "a-boat" or putting random "eh's" at the end of sentences.
So I don't have the same concerns as someone who would live in a state that borders Mexico. And Scalia's Tea Party understanding of state sovereignty is frankly, scary.
But I also don't like what seems to be petulance by the Administration in announcing that it won't act on most requests from Arizona. If you are here illegally, you should be identified and removed to your country of origin-regardless of race, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, etc.
We can argue in the big picture that something like
this incident could have happened with a citizen and that is true. But if this person had been deported she would not have been driving drunk on US streets and that young citizen may still have been alive.
So I say enforce the law without racism or hatred or bigotry. If you're not here legally the proper response by the state should be to send you home.
There's larger questions of population growth and legacies of colonialism and why the Global North is richer than the Global South but on a micro level I don't think we can solve those questions with porous borders and laws that aren't enforced.