1. It varies, especially today. At the very least, besides the guy being initiated, there's whoever proposed him. And somebody high up in the family who is conducting the ceremony. Sometimes there's a lot of guys there. But Arillotta talked about how it was just him, whoever brought him there, Nigro and DeLuca. And usually it seems they make more than one guy at a time but they do it separately.

2. Technically, there isn't really a dispute between a made guy and an associate, since the made guy is always "right." If it's between two made guys, they go to their captain. Or captains, if they're from different crews. If the dispute can't be resolved on that level, than it goes up to somebody in the administration. Obviously it would be foolish to try and go over your captain's head. In fact, the boss or whoever probably wouldn't even hear you but wonder why they aren't hearing this from your captain. Then you'd be getting an ear full from your captain. whistle

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