Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I heard one better this morning on the radio. Apparently San Diego is known to have some of the state's best fireworks. HOWEVER, due to an as yet undetermined glitch, ALL the fireworks went off at once. What was to be an 18 minute fireworks show was over in 15 seconds. lol 500,000 people were obviously disappointed and from what I gather, they paid admission as well. Ha ha Can't un-ring that bell.

A few years ago a guy, who lives a few blocks from me, was preparing for a holiday fireworks extravaganza later that night. The fireworks were kept in his garage, but as he was constructing a platform, from which to launch the fireworks, a spark from his drill ignited a few fireworks, which lit some more, and within 30 seconds the entire stash had exploded, causing a big fire in the garage, which he lost along with the side of his house.