I don't know about anyone else but I really liked Superman Returns. A lot of people didn't. But what did it for me was the obvious Christ analogy in the film.
Snyder hasn't done many movies but I won't write him off. I liked 300 a lot. The Watchmen was interesting. But even Emily Browning couldn't save Suckerpunch. Dawn of the Dead was mediocre.
As for this one, Snyder has said he approached it like there has never been another Superman movie. So he's really starting fresh. And, as one article said, and the trailers imply, Clark/Superman being good isn't a "done deal." Instead of being inherently good, he has to make the choice. It's my understanding that he's also portrayed as a more rough and tumble Superman. Somebody who can beat your head in. Less polished, if that makes any sense.
Last edited by IvyLeague; 07/21/12 07:58 PM.