Originally posted by Joolsie Cappucetti:
Hi all, this is my first post smile hope you don't mind me joining you. Guess I'd better keep my mouth shut and my eyes open for a while, but just wanted to say buongiorno and that I'm ecstatic to have found a board like this. Nice to 'meet' you all, I'm off to catch up on the Godfather quoting game! Ciao
Welcome to the boards, mate! Please, don't refrain from partaking in the festivities. Just be warned. Once you're in, there's no way out! (Well, I guess if you get banned or something, or if Afi bites you.)

"Growing up my dad was like 'You have a great last name, Galifianakis. Galifianakis...begins with a gal...and ends with a kiss...' I'm like that's great dad, can we get it changed to 'Galifianafuck' please?" -- Zach Galifianakis