I don't have a problem with sensible gun controls that are enacted to help assure public safety--as long as law-abiding citizens aren't arbitrarily banned from owning firearms. I also think it's a matter for states and localities to decide, as long as they're consistent with two recent Supreme Court rulings establishing the Second Amendment as applying to indivudual gun ownership. In those decisions, the High Court did not invalidate gun controls; it ruled that Washington DC and Chicago were out of line for making it impossible for law-abiding citizens to own guns.
I had to go through three months of hoops to get a permit to buy a handgun in NJ, vs. a 10-minute background here in AZ. But I got what I wanted--because I'm a law-abiding citizen. If I had problems with NJ's strict controls, I could have started a group to lobby to legislature to change the rules. But didn't have problems--I got what I wanted.