Some photographs from the book "Nothing personal, just business" by Kenneth R.Dickson about the Licavoli gang from Toledo and its conflict with Jack Kennedy.

John Mirabella, a Licavoli hitman

Chalky Red Yaranowski, aka Harry Leonard (a Licavoli associate)

Hitman Joseph "Wop" English (real name Serafino Sinatra)

Thomas "Yonnie" Licavoli and his lawyer Cornell Schreiber

Jacob "Firetop" Sulkin, a Licavoli associate and his main link with local politicians

Firetop SUlkin escorted out of the courtroom

Jack Kennedy, the bootlegger for whose murder Licavoli was convicted

Scene of Jack Kennedy's murder, as it appeared in 1933

Scene of Jack Kennedy's murder, as it appeared in 2004

Licavoli's home on Pemberton Drive in Toledo's Old Orchard area

Paper money issued by Toledo during the Depression

Licavoli's home on Wendover Drive in Toledo's Old Orchard

Licavoli's Golden Rose Supper Club

Firetop Sulkin's home on Overland Parkway as it appeared in 2004

Licavoli being returned to prison

From left to right: Paul Schrader, The Times' Sports editor; Mickey Walker, former Middleweight boxing champion; Johnny Rai, Licavoli gangster (almost hidden); unknown with raised glass; George Blount, the News-Bee chief photographer (cigar & glass); John Mirabella, Licavoli gangster; Norm Hauger, BLADE photographer (hat); Plummer Whipple, BLADE Sports writer (kneeling); Leo Moceri, brother of Yonnie's wife, Zena; Thomas "Yonnie" Licavoli; Russell Syracuse, Licavoli gangster.