It was spectacular but a tad tedious. The Queen looked bored rigid and poor Muhammad Ali looked terrible. I always enjoy the athletes entries. Team USA looked very natty in their berets and Team GB looked ridiculous in their Ali G tracksuits

Watching this morning and China have took the first gold medal in the shooting! GB looking good in the rowing as per norm and Michael Phelps looked average in the swimming. His rival Ryan Lochte looked sharp though!
I may be in the minority, but I enjoyed the opening ceremonies. I saw most of it, but would like to ask about a few things I might have missed. First, was the ferris wheel a reference to the Great Exhibition? Was there a reference to the Crystal Palace? Also, I began watching when the spectacular display of the Industrial Revolution took place. Prior to that was there a tribute to Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre? I was hoping that there would be a celebration of Keats, Coleridge, Wordsworth and Tennyson too.
I thought that bringing the torch up the Thames was a wonderful sight too.
I agree with you on Ali. While he is an iconic figure, his presence was too uncomfortable.
I was also surprised that Roger Bannister didn't light the torch. Was he included in the ceremonies? i know he must be in his 80s, but last I had seen him on the news, he seemed fit as a fiddle.