Originally posted by Letizia B.:
Originally posted by ginaitaliangirl:
[b] And Field of Dreams was on ESPN, so I was sitting at the table eating and crying.
That's hilarious, for some reason.
Well I thought you went to bed or something, so I went downstairs, ate ice cream, and watched 2 hours' worth of Will & Grace dvds. Bored and pathetic, I know. I should have done homework or gotten ahead on my reading, but hey, we all have our lazy nights. [/b]I don't know what my problem was. I've been meaning to watch that movie in whole for the longest, because I've forgotten a lot of the good parts, but it always makes me tear up or get chills...it's just a good baseball movie. But I still felt like an idiot...I was so worried my mom was going to walk out to the kitchen and see me crying over a movie.
Who cares about homework when you can watch TV or movies, though? Lazy nights are the best nights.