Let me tell you the real person behind JFK'S assassination. I did a talk with Daniel Bonanno who is Joe Bonanno's son. Daniel had said that his father had a talk with him in the early 2001 when he was aged about 96 or 95. Joseph Bonanno had said that he was the main guy behind the JFK assassination due to the fact, JFK was too much of a risk to Cosa Nostra and he was a government guy. Joseph Bonanno had 5 hitmen incase the main Hitman missed and failed. Joseph sent 1 guy from the Five Families so if it went wrong that guy and his family would be blamed for the fault so it would be clear who did it. Roselli also played along with Joe Bonanno, Joe thought of this idea and Roselli planned it all out. Wikipedia is all wrong but Cosa Nostra, Wikipedia is only linked to Newspaper and Website articles by references.