Maybe. It's easy to place the blame on a duplicitous sycophant like Tony Bender. I'll take a look, and thanks. Tommy Eboli probably should have had his job from the start. He wasn't the brightest, but he wasn't so self serving either, and he went by the book. Hell, the whole Genovese Family is so interesting back then, every part of it. There are still things we don't know.
EDIT: Wow, according to this, a cousin of Vito Genovese named Ralph Genovese skimmed some money from the LA Family. Vito advised that he be returned to New York so no harm could be done. He then informed Jack Dragna that his own cousin had been tied to a table and died, slowly. Sawed in half.
Last edited by BarrettM; 08/17/12 12:07 PM.