All the wise guys on the other side of the pond (Italy & Sicily) smoked a cigarette called "MS" in the gold box. This was in the mid eighties... not sure what it is these days.
They still have that. My husband buys it in Sicily when we're there. He also buys a lot of Marlboro Gold when we're there, but they're different than regular Marlboro's that you buy here. Almost like they don't have a filter.
I'm looking at a pack right now (I dont smoke, though) and the warning label on the cigarettes flat out says, "Il fumo uccide" meaning "Smoking Kills". Nothing like being upfront and to the point. lol
Ha! That is funny... it's nice to know that some things didn't change over there. I figured you would know, C! Thanks! A friend of mine used to jokingly refer to the Italian MS cigarette brand as; "Marlboro Sicilia".
I've told this before but I guess it is worth repeating in this thread - when I was in Italy, my landlord's aunt loved American Budweiser & Marlboro Red cigarettes. I would load up on them at the PX and offset some rent cost with said vices.

I never smoked and loved Peroni birra so I never had a need to waste my ration card on anything but for my landlord's aunt!
BTW - congrats on the 1000th post, C!