seems like tensions have been alot higher in recent weeks. speaking of the real deal, as many of you know they have a thread called "the sit down" where users can bring disagreements to the table. maybe we can have something similiar over here but tweek it a little as thiers sometimes seems like more of a free for all to say some terrible stuff to each other. maybe we could create a sub-forum here where people can bring disagreements about board policy, or problems with others members to the table and be able to vehemently disagree without having to worry about possible consequences as long as things are kept cival, which i believe we can do.

another problem recently, particularly in the OC forums seems to be repetitive threads and the lack of insightful responses to legitimate topics. is there any way there could be a sub-forum for new users to post thier questions to avoid clogging the forum with repetitive/hypothetical questions? i know that there is the "mob myths, facts, and realities thread" which is great, but it seems people are more eager to create a new thread rather than find an answer there which is understandable as new users sometimes want their own topics answered.

another thing that is a problem it seems is the almost non-existent use of the search function. seems like some people just type in thier question and if nothing comes up, they start a new topic rather than thinking "is my question similar to or basically the same as an existing topic?"

i really enjoy posting here so hopefully a few of these recent hiccups can be resolved in the future. thoughts?

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!