I agree with pixxa and tis, this place dont need a sit cause it has a whole nother feel to it than rd(plus no one even uses it anymore). Tis is also right in that we do have mods here that are literly on top of everything, this makes the forum fair to all posters in my opinion. I know SC may seem like a classroom prsident in charge when fhe teacher leaves to write names on the board of kids getting out of line but you haveto remember he has a job to do, which is to keep us in line, keep Jgeoff from having all of us mad at him for coming down on us, and last but not least he frees up Jgeoff to do big picture thinking.

P.s. on topic carmela is a female, wife, mother, awesome person, if you have a question about siciliy ask her, and one of the most well respected/best coontributers to this board(im not professing my love for her but she is a good friend i enjoy talking to)