Well, by that logic there would be Romanian, Brazillian, etc etc.

I think a better term is Latino. Which in America just applies to Hispanic colonials.

Never heard of a Latvian LK, the idea is LOL.
As far as I know, it's a Puerto Rican gang.
But they've been accepting other Latinos over the years, in areas it's in their best interest.

I thought one of the reasons Dominicans Don't Play was formed was because PRs pretty much hated on them. Hate on every other Hispanic population it seems now that I think about it.

EDIT: I just looked up Latvians. They have no Latin history in the least bit. I call BS on that link haha

Also when I said it's was primarily a PR gang, I mean it was historically in Chicago. Now apparantly it's dominated by Mexicans over there.

As far as I know the NYC Bloodlien faction is still predominantly PR tho

Last edited by AmericanCrime; 08/29/12 11:13 AM.