Yes, Babe...I saw you posted the risotto recipe again for me. Thanks so much! That is something my husband will love!! I'm going to make that very soon.
Five Felonies, thanks for all your help, too. The only issue i have is my husband is one of those well done meat kinda guys. He won't touch meat unless it's very well done. I can't tell you the fights we've had in restaurants b/c he tells them the way he wants it, but very few chefs agree to do it. He's actually grabbed my arm and pulled me out of restaurants so frustrated over this. So whatever meat I make in peppercorn, has to be very well blood whatsoever.
Thanks again, guys.
good thing you told me that! what a shame! if he needs his meat cooked well done then i would switch the fillet mignon with a bone in ribeye as that has alot more fat than a fillet and should hold up better being cooked to hell

follow the recipe the same, you will just need to cook the steak longer. also, after the steak is cooked through in the sauce, i would remove it from the bone(doesn't have to be a bone-in ribeye, but it will lead to a better final product) and slice it before topping with the sauce and plating. this way, you can be sure its cooked enough for his liking! one tip though is you have to let the steak rest once it is done cooking. in other words, don't slice right into it as soon as it's done cooking, wait at least 5 minutes. this will lead to a more juicy steak, even more important when cooking it well-done. all joking aside, this recipe will still turn out great, the sauce will really pick it up!