Part from an srticle written by Clarence Walker

When Thomas Edison invented the motion picture camera and projector he created the Motion Picture Patents Company called the 'Trust' to make movies based on Christian American values. But on the Lower East Side, Jewish entrepreneurs used Edison's invention to make their own films which were shown in thousands of five-cent Nickelodian movie theaters across the United States.

The Jewish outlaw filmmakers made movies with violent, sexy content, far more entertaining than Edison's wholesome, purified movies. Furious over the rip-off, Edison, with help from police acting on a city ordinance in Chicago, ordering the Jewish theaters closed down, fire and bloodshed followed.

A goon squad hired by Edison beat up directors, actors, forcing movie-goers out of theaters and set fires to city blocks where the so-called immoral movies were playing. Apparently Edison underestimated his competition. Gangsters "Big" Jack Zelig, "Lefty Louie" Rosenberg, "Gyp the Blood" Horowitz, and leaders of the notorious Yiddish Black hand stepped in to eliminate Edison and the city enforcement attempt to prevent their people from running movie theaters.

The war continued. Gangsters stole expensive film equipment out of Edison's warehouses in the Bronx, Philadelphia and Chicago and then ignited a fire that grew into a raging inferno that destroyed the properties.

By 1915 the Edison 'Trust' group disbanded and the Jewish outlaw filmmakers moved west, where they made bigger and better movies. The outlaws, with the help of their nicknamed friends, were assisted by another group of Jewish gangsters that helped them to dismantle Thomas Edison and the city laws of Chicago and won.

Who were these mighty men? Do these names ring a bell in today's motion picture industry? Here they are:

(1) Marcus Loews of Loews Theatres and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

(2) Carl Laemmle of Universal Pictures

(3) Adolph Zukor of Paramount Pictures

(4) William Fox of Twentieth-Century Fox

(5) The Warner brothers, Harry, Albert, Sam and Jack.

Slavery, Racism, Interracial Sex, and the Mafia

During mid-19th century, concert saloons gained popularity in U.S. cities. These breezy places with swinging doors offered liquor, music, lewd dancing, and sex for sale. High on the list was sex between blacks and whites. Several salons in larger northern cities was owned by crime syndicates, blacks with mob front money, Italian and Jewish immigrants affiliated with the mob.

Even during Jim Crow segregated laws when the lynching of blacks was a weekly event, thousands of black men had sex with white women in brothels. It is reasonable to conclude that organized crime fronted these places with 'dirty' money.

The mixing of races in dance halls owned by Jewish and Italian crime syndicates was so prevalent the Ku Klux Klan waged fierce opposition to close these lurid places down. If owners failed to comply with local government regulations the KKK burned down the establishment. But nothing stopped progress to make a buck through mixing races. Organized crime re-grouped and started over again.

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.