The dems want to paint Obama as an outsider, muslim, unamerican, birther, etc then he romney should continue to get hounded on the tax issue. Personally, I am happy the democractic party has grown a pair and actually tries to fight back against these negative attacks from the gop with their own negative attacks. In the past they would just let the gop run all over them and not fight back (kerry swift boat). Politics is a dirty game unfortunately.
On another note, I have been quite busy the past few days but just caught on tv the idiotic comments romney made about the recent embassy attacks. The guy might as well save himself the time/embarrassment and just give up if he is going to continue to make these dumb slip-ups. The guy has been running for president since the last election and he still cant get it right. You gotta feel for the guy.
I agree that politics is a dirty game and nice guys don't win elections. However, there's plenty to work with that we already know all about it: Bain, Ryan's relentless lying, Romney's record of running companies, Romney's religion and so on and so forth. A good lawyer wouldn't call to stand a witness whose testimony is not clear. That's how those tax returns might backfire.
On a funny note, Colbert said something to the effect that if Romney wants his question of "Are you better off than you were four years ago?" answered, he must release two more years of his tax returns.

It's really a disgrace for Muslims how things went down in Libya. Some were gathered, being quite apologetic about what happened: