Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Sorry RR, my WWE knowledge is very limited. Although I guess I was being a bit insensitive to Mr. Roth..ger and his adoring fans. tongue

Very good. Just don't let it happen again, cowboy. wink

Then again, if you want to vilify someone, who was actually charged with rape, convicted and sentenced for sex crimes, and is registered as a sexual offender, you might recall a fellow in blue from your neck of the woods, who wore #56. smile

No vilifying desires here, just fun-ifying. LT sure had (has) his problems. I wonder how long of a list there is with candidates for vilification?

The hotel LT got snagged in is located about 1 mile from my former residence in NY. It was common to spot LT in the Ramapo Diner close by. The owner's name was Dino and they used to play golf at the nearby public course. I saw LT there several times. His back swing was very short, I suppose due to his musculature, but he sure could hit it far.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12