I'm alright. My dad had a double bi-pass and is coming up today or tomorrow so I got my hands full
Don't be sneaking him a Philly cheesesteak. He'll try to guilt you, but don't fall for it

Haha I'm about to go visit him in a little bit. I hope they give me an extra day and don't try and send him home I have to get a bed for him for downstairs temporarily and then we have a nurse coming to the house. Originally he had a clogged artery but since he is a diabetic that procedure didn't work. He's 67 never did drugs,never smoked, and drank but always within moderation nothing heavy which I think a lot of those factors made him strong that was only his 2nd time being admitted to the hospital in his life the first time was for a bee sting..... I'm going to stay at my parents house to him through this the next month or two.
Sorry for getting off topic guys...had to vent