I'm typing this a block from where Jilly & Carmine met while Donnie was in the car... There's still an Italian social club across the street too.

This should probably be another topic but seeing this thread makes me ask who was THEE WORST-- as in most destructive to his family-- boss?

Seems obvious it has to be between Carmine and Gotti, with Persico's longevity taking it. We can never know everything but it'd be interesting to compile as full as possible list as inter-Colombo hits...

People talk about the three Colombo wars but I suspect there's more than that if we dope it out more closely; I'm thinking especially of all the informants and suspected informants who got whacked and also those who might flip and testify at one of Carmine, Alphonse or Allie Boy's trials.

Last edited by conopizza; 09/16/12 12:31 AM.