Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
If I was the Obama campaign, I would scramble to put out a campaign ad exposing this whole Romney thing. Things would really hit the fan after that.

I'm sure they will. However, Mitt's doing a good job of inserting foot in mouth (to put it mildly) all on his own. It's so easy. He seems to unintentionally write campaign ads for Dems. lol


What I really want to see is how he is (if he even can) going to explain all this when he gets called out on it during the debates.

And you know, I've heard people on both the right & left say that Mitt is a good debater. Honestly, just from what I've learned/seen about him since he's been in the race, I find it hard to believe. confused Maybe he'll turn into a totally different person in a debate, BUT, he's use to not answering what he doesn't want to answer. I don't see him as being able to diplomatically avoid answering a question.

I keep saying he is so different than what I had thought he'd be as far as savvy politically.


Btw, I didn't really count the Republican debates cause that was such a clown show that I assumed it'd be easy for Mitt to win. lol

Last edited by The Italian Stallionette; 09/18/12 09:20 PM.

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