Originally Posted By: jace
Why would Eboli go to another boss and not borrow from own crime family ? I've read Joe Bruno, his stories are not so great, and his fact checking leaves a lot to be desired.

yes you're right bout Bruno's facts,but he aint the only one sayin that this hapend,by the way i wanted to ask a question bout Civillo gettin caught by the FBI with all the drugs,Carlo used to have a lot of police cheifs,agents(FBI,CIA)in his pocket and Eboli wasnt some average mobster from the street...so my point is he must've known about the raid so i think it was just another set up and manipulation orchastrated by Don Carlo,but "Why would Eboli go to another boss and not borrow from own crime family ?"..thats something i cant answer...maybe cuz drugs were "banned" at the time so you gotta go to the top and ask for permission or make a deal...dunno

Last edited by Toodoped; 09/19/12 03:37 AM.

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.