Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Wudstock
Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Remember the end when Margaret goes out to see that female pilot who's name was in the paper? Was that a real person? Only female pilot I know was Amelia Earhart. confused

Probably a fictional character based on Earhart.

I think that was a real pilot based on Amelia Earhart so how is that fictional to you?


The aviatrix in the show was named Carrie Duncan. I cannot find any mention of that name in relation to (real life) aviation. I'm just saying it was a fictional name and character.

I wonder why they had to create a fictional character and not use Amelia Earhart herself? Maybe something legal with her estate? They have used famous celebrities/figures such as Eddie Cantor, singers, Houdini, etc... Wonder why the aviator was fictionalized? Zoinks! Mystery here, Scoob!

Last edited by Mark; 09/20/12 09:32 AM.