The following is a quote from one of my student's papers the topic of which was What is Government?:

"Take for instance when the protesters killed our Ambassador, and then dragged his body through the riot-filled streets, hanging the Taliban flag and chanting “Death to America”. Our President apologized to them for our hatred and injustice. This is not acceptable in my opinion. That is not what government should be, it is what it has become. This President passing Executive Orders without Congress should be tried for treason. That is the basis of what our country is built on: consent should come from the governed, not through the threat of force or manipulation."

"Why are we allowing this man to slowly turn our country to this Democratic Socialism? When he threatened to stop paying our troops if the Republican side of Congress didn’t agree to raise the debt ceiling, it was appalling."

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."