Well, that's good news I guess. But this whole picture id verification for voting is very interesting to me. How people were voting before? I mean how you go and ask for ballot where you are registered and prove your identity if not with a picture ID?

Out here, our birth certificate must bear a photo and has a dedicated page for election stamps, that's how we vote once per person. And then we don't have voting registration process and can vote almost anywhere.
In Pennsylvania after you are first registered to vote, you are assigned to a voting precinct, which is a local place where you vote, often a church hall or school or public building. For your first time voting you present a voter's registration card, which was issued to you upon registration with some form of id, stating your name and address. You are then required to sign the voter roll, and your signature is kept on the books, so that it is compared for following elections.
Generally, the election officials working the booths know most of the people in the precinct. We have not had any instances of substantial fraud that could be rectified by the Voter ID Law, which is an admitted attempt toimpede certain segments of the voting population from casting a vote.