good post but i swear i seen a interview were he spoke on the mafia cops and how he seen the book and found out there names. also his daughter is back then and probaly today married to a genovese soldier they were surposed to take his grand kid to chins trial if he took the stand. also i read a couple places he was offerd 24 yrs like george zapolla and a couplt other killers who are getting out soon he screwed up. and he comes of as a dick when he talks about shooting the kid 10 times but not in the head cause it was his friends house, he probaly just like sammy the bull. another thing i thought the gambino's had the most say in the garmet district back then with tommy gambino owning everything sounded like gaspipe was gloating. he screwed his whole blood family, and the russian gas tax the fed new about in the 80tys the scam was up buy 94. but the gov screwed him to.