I enjoyed the season opener.
Looks like they found a spacious and at some point, possibly safe haven in the prison. I really feel badly for Rick. It seems he has the weight of what's left of the world on his shoulders. Lori, (and I know she's pregnant) seems unjustifiably pissed at him. She acts like a diva sometimes.
I was shocked at the scene with poor Herschal.

He's the only doctor they had and he WAS bitten. AND, Lori's fear about the baby. Could it be a little Zombie baby? Oh and I hope Andrea isn't gonna become a Walker.
Oh, and the ending, WOW! "Walkers to the left of me, Walkers to the right."

AND those were "normal" looking people at the end right? To quote the last two words of the episode, "Holy shit."