A defention of democracy is very dificult to make. It might very well be the most “natural” and “true” form of governement we’ve established. It stays true to our human nature and those certain freedoms that are endowed to us. I suppose the difference between any democracy and a republic stems from theese feelings because essentially, a democracy allows for more people to have a say in our government by allowing anyone to be eligible to vote or to be voted for. It gives equal opporitunities for all of us, not just an elite group of federalists who control the country.
No doubt, the United States, as set up in the constitution, repects and conforms somewhat my ideas of what a democracy is, however not to the strickest sense of the word. Let’s face it: The federalists had a field day with such a document eliminating some of the states rights, not severly detracting from what I would expect a democracy to be. Sure, it was for the greater good of the infantile nation yet it trampled somewhat on states with larger populations.
The 3/5 compromise is just that; a compromise. It makes the house of reperaseantives, the house who’s membership was based on state populatiopn, the lower house, not instilling on to them as much right as the senate.
Or what of the electorial college, just a check so that us silly, stupid little citizens can’t foul up the whole operation of a presidential election. That’s not true democracy in any sesne of the word in fact.
But regardless, the constiution doesn’t allow the federalists to go away scott free. It doesn’t just keep the federalists in power as history will show later on. It instills to us a sound estabilshment that has suvived somehow till this very day.

Madness! Madness!
- Major Clipton
The Bridge On The River Kwai

GOLD - GOLD - GOLD - GOLD. Bright and Yellow, Hard and Cold, Molten, Graven, Hammered, Rolled, Hard to Get and Light to Hold; Stolen, Borrowed, Squandered - Doled.
- Greed

Nothing Is Written
Lawrence Of Arabia