Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Personally I'm actually bipartisan. I'm an undecided independent voter. So these kinds of tidbits mean nothing to me. I'm still trying to decide who would run our country better. It's been a difficult process

Well boil down 1 (maybe 2) issues that matter most for you and decide your vote from there.

If that doesn't work, consider even 3rd party. Especially if you live in a state where the outcome is pretty much certain. (I live in Tennessee, where Lucifer would get more votes than any Democratic candidate in the last 3 elections.)

I've never understood people who dismiss 3rd party votes as "throwing them away." No throwing your vote away is when you take a right not every person on Earth enjoys (a right sustained by us by generations of dead Americans) and just decide to cast it between just two candidates because we've been brainwashed and the system rigged by the two parties, even if you don't like either candidate from those parties.