It should be interesting to see the polls over the weekend to see if the idiotic comments made the last couple of days by Robert Mourdock, Donald Trump, Ann Coulter, and Sarah Palin, have any effect on the race.
Man, Mourdock. That base is damn determined with their perfectly circular logical (if insane) approach that is threatening to brand the GOP the Rapist Apologist party. Anybody who subscribes to that guy and those lunatics' theology are only a few generations away from barbaric de-evolving into those wonderful nuts out in the Middle East.
Call me nuts, call me reactionary, I could very well be. But I predict knowing these genuises that within a few years they will be calling for rape laws to be rewritten, overturned if sexual assaults results in impregnation. Because if its God's will, and all life is precious, then why should rapists be punished for doing his will in creating life?
And the religious right wonders why the Gay Rights movement is succeeding.