Joe is from Mass, and well the last Mass President was what, JFK?
Again I ask: If both sides are so rotten, why do you or anybody rule out voting 3rd party?
Your local shitty McDonalds doesn't improve service if you bitch but you keep going there.
Well I don't go to McDonalds first off

But to answer your questions I don't vote for someone that clearly won't win the election and has no hope of doing so. As much I would like the idea of a Gary Johnson or Ron Paul, it's not realistic. So what I do is take both candidates (Obama and Romney) and evaluate them on all sorts of different issues (economy, foreign policy, social issues, the deficit etc) . I weigh the circumstances of the times and what the US needs at this particular moment vs what the candidates would do.
In this case, for me, it was close. But I decided on Romney.