Originally Posted By: Skinny_Vinny
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Skinny Vinny is right in the sense that no matter how successful Obama was in this clean up it doesnt affect the outcome because the hurricane hit states that are blue and were a lock for Obama anyway. People from Ohio, Florida, and Virginia don't give a damn about a storm that has nothing to do with them. Which is why I still say this doesn't charge anything so late in the game.

People from NY/NJ/CT have a high sense of self. They think their situation will impact all of America. Truth is, other parts of America have suffered hurricanes(FLORIDA!), blizzards, blackouts, earthquakes, etc......and no one ever talked it influencing the outcome of an election.

Besides, the situation is said to be deteriorating. Looting. Dwindling gas supplies. Dumpster diving according to NBC 4.

In fact, the worse the situation gets, the less the mainstream media will cover the story if they think it no longer favors their candidate, Barack Obama.

NYC is the financial capital of the world, major events that happen here DO impact the rest of America for obvious reasons.

Let's be clear, the situation is bad. Looting is happening (very little, media looks for stories to report) the NYPD is out in full force in the hardest hit areas. Gas supplies will recover as the Port will be reopened for shipment on a limited basis, and the dumpster diving was done by hipsters for very expensive food.


Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.