It's going to be close in OH, but most polls not skewed from Fox or MSNBC has Obama with a slight lead in Ohio. I think Obama has more paths to 270 than Romney.

If partisanship is set aside, many economists would argue that Obama inherited the worst financial disaster this country has seen since the late 1920's and early 1930's. Some have called it the Great Depression Part II. And for those of you who know history, we didn't just flip a switch and turn the economy around back then under FDR. It took YEARS to dig out of the 1929 stock market crash, the unemployment, etc. It took World War II to get this country's economy jump started again.

Several other points. While I fully admit to hating George Bush 43's presidency, I can still be objective. Bush oversaw some of the worst economic disasters in this nation's history: the aftermath of 9/11, the billions in damage from Katrina, the billions spent on fighting two wars - one in which Bush fought voluntarily, the collapse of major financial institutions, and the collapse of the housing market. No matter how some like to spin it, those events all occurred under George Bush's watch.

I don't care if Houdini or Superman succeeded Bush 43, it was a complete disaster that Obama inherited. For anyone to think that 8 years of incompetency were going to be corrected in the next term of the succeeding president, such thinking is simply not realistic.

I'm not overly happy about either of the choices for president. This country, more than ever, needs a viable third-party. But in the meantime, I'm not going to waste my vote on an out-of-touch millionaire who has no idea what ordinary Americans confront on a daily basis.

At the end of the day, Obama followed through and fulfilled some fairly ambitious 2008 campaign promises: he pulled us out of Iraq, he had bin Laden killed, and he was the first president to pass a nationwide health care system. Was the health care reform perfect? Absolutely not. If anyone was dumb enough to think it would be perfect, then shame on you. But going back to 1972 (at the very least) candidates have been talking about universal health care. That's all they have done - talk. Obama finally got something passed and had the Republican Chief Justice affirm the law as constitutional.