Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
You just assume what you think is right and that's wrong. Spoken like a true liberal, ignoring the other side of an argument and holding yourself up like you're the savior of the world.

My father is a successful real estate business man. He worked from the ground fucking up to establish his company and get to where he is today. He's part of the 1% of rich America and the 5% Obama wants to tax more. You're saying he's a filthy rich dog who doesn't work and is ignorant? The wealthy (most of them) work hard to get to where they are today. Anyone else could do the same thing. Fact is the rich should not have to pay more than they already do. Close the loopholes but do not raise the rate. They shouldn't have to foot the bill for another weak Obama plan.

You may not agree with me. I don't agree with you. But I respect you're opinion. Respect mine please. I do not call you ignorant, don't refer me as such either.

For the record I never called the like of your father a dog. That's your doing. I said filthy rich, which simply means very rich. The fact stands. They pay 14% tax on their income and middle class pays over 20 to even 30% depending on their size of family and dependents. You say they shouldn't be taxed more, I ask why not pay as much as middle class pays? Isn't that just fair? Closing the loopholes means cutting those deductions that middle class gets yet again.

And I said you are EITHER filthy rich, OR misinformed and ignorant which again means misinformed. You are obviously the former. So stop playing us by saying you are independent, you're obviously a republican and favor their agenda. As for respect for opinions, I really can't respect such opinions that favor unfairness and exploiting the middle class. I respect that you are entitled to your opinion, but that's as far as I go. If I respected every opinion, I'd have to stop criticizing every crazy religious, economical, or political opinion that's out there.

First off I don't call my dad anything of the sort. Secondly don't tell me what I am because I am not a republican, I do not support all of their agenda. There are some things about their agenda that I do support and some things about the democratic agenda I support. So don't be an idiot and tell me what I am politically.

I repeat again do not try to call me ignorant or misinformed when it's you who cannot speak objectively or see the other side of an argument. I agree with some of the things president Obama has done. But I feel he's taking us in the wrong direction economically. It's not ignorance it's a goddamn opinion. You have every right to criticize something that's arrogant, hateful, nonsensesical, or crude. But I am none of these things.

Now to clear up what I said earlier, I am in favor to close loopholes so the rich cant make deductions and pay less. But taxing the rich more does nothing. It does nothing to help our economy or to cut our deficit. In the end everyone is going to be paying more for obamacare.

This is not about a class war which is what you're making it. It's about finding common ground to solve our nations problems. That's what we all should be focusing on. Not squabbling.

Last edited by 123JoeSchmo; 11/05/12 01:58 AM.

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