Amusing anecdote: Apparently in Mass., Michael Dukakis is campaigning door by door for the local/state Democratic candidates. This detail caught my attention, however.

Mr. Dukakis, who teaches at Northeastern University in Boston and loves mentoring young people, has also been helping fire up the troops who are canvassing for President Obama in New Hampshire. In a phone call to young Obama workers the other day, he offered tips on what to say as they went door to door.

And then he blurted out this: “I owe you all an apology,” he said as about 20 young people listened on speakerphone. “If I’d beaten Bush 1, you’d have never heard of Bush 2 and we wouldn’t be in this mess, so blame me.”

~I like the honest candor, but but no offense Mike, but...I can't imagine you as President. Neither did rest of the country.