Your right to vote is eternal and guaranteed Constitutionally unless you're a covicted felon (which I sorta disagree with but I disgress)
In New York State a convicted felon may vote as long as he's not incarcerated or currently on parole. So no matter what the crime, if you do your time and you're not on "parole," you're never disenfranchised here. I'm not sure how it works everywhere else, but I'm sure that Klyd does

I know that PA is like some states in that felons are free to vote if released from prison. Misdemeanor offenders in prison, as well as those detained waiting trial on felonies, may vote by absentee ballot. Those released to halfway houses are free to vote by absentee too. New York, I believe, and a few others require that the felon finish his parole time in addition to incarceration.
A dozen or so states, including ronnie's TN, place permanent (or near permanent) restrictions on felons.
As far as I know the only states that allow imprisoned felons to vote are Maine and Vermont.
There are probably about 5 million Americans disenfranchised due to their convictions and/or incarceration. If the difference between the candidates is 2 points, which is about 2 1/2 million votes, just think of the impact they could have had, but for their crimes.