Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Meanwhile, NOM were 0-4 this time in their crusade. Maryland, Maine, and Washington approved SSM. Minnesota rejected a state amendment that would've banned SSM. Go away you crazy assholes. Or better yet, go to the one country in the world that loves your view on women and gays.

Iran. I'm sure they'll call you heroes for the faith. And then lecture you for not car bombing the infidels.

I can suggest more countries, it's not like we've monopoly on gay bashing. They could also go to Saudi Arabia. I'm pretty sure many Arab countries in the ME would hang gays as well and not that woman friendly. tongue

Yeah, it would be very unfair to single out Iran as far as that goes. It seems to be the entire region that's living in the dark ages in that regard frown.

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