That's true, Ronnie. There isn't much cohesion among the Latino groups as a whole. The "rivalry" between them often borders on hatred (Mexicans vs. Puerto Ricans, Puerto Ricans vs. Dominicans, etc.). I hear it all the time here in New York (where, unlike Tennessee, we actually live among these folks

Interesting enough, unless my data is wrong, Obama actually won the Cuban vote in Florida. And that I would, by gutcheck, attribute to the further assimilation of successive generations of Cuban-Americans who are now more American and less Cuban, and less attachment in regards to Fidel/Cuba unlike their parents or grandparents.
The Republicans lost 9 of the 10 Senate races where Rove's Crossroads organizations pumped in the most money. It's apparently not as easy to buy an election as it used to be.
It's sorta hard to win Senate elections when you publicly expouse God's will and sanction of rape. (Which surprisingly turns women off. Who knew?) Seriously I look at Murdoch in Indiana who lost Lugar's old seat held for decades because he's a lunatic and had to let everybody know about it.
You know speaking of which, how about the Kenyan consider Lugar for his new Cabinet? (State or Defense.)
Now I see they are already talking about a Bush (Jeb) Clinton (Hilary) rematch. IMHO its time for both of these retreads to go out to pasture. Jeb's time has passed, and he probably would have made a much better president than his brother, but them's the breaks. As for Hillary, I think she deserves to be very proud of her outstanding record as First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State. She should write some memoirs, make some money and enjoy her life.
I just think Jeb is still screwed by his last name. Consider that the Kenyan had Bubba running all over the place as the most popular Ex-President, while Dubya stayed home and quiet and I'm certain it's because Willard politely told him to keep enjoying retirement. Both McCain and now Willard were hanged with Dubya's failures.
I was MIA for a few months, but is it true Willard refused to invite Palin to the RNC this year? What was that all about?
My Hillary conspiracy theory is popular so far, and I'll stick with it. Quite frankly she would be a much better candidate than Biden, but we'll see what shakes out. If she's heavy campaigning, making appearances at the mid-terms, that means she'll be running. If the economy continues to improve and Obamacare is finally fully implemented, and no total fiascos* in the Kenyan's 2nd term, I would almost consider her the favorite of all the names all already bandied about.
But 4 years is 40 years.
*=Which unfortunately seem to be a requirement with 2nd terms.
I can suggest more countries, it's not like we've monopoly on gay bashing. They could also go to Saudi Arabia. I'm pretty sure many Arab countries in the ME would hang gays as well and not that woman friendly.

In America, Wisconsin elected Tammy Baldwin to the Senate, the first openly gay Senator, beating former popular ex-Governor/Dubya cabinet member Tommy Thompson. Tells you how much America has changed in short relative time, Wisconsin banned gay marriage 6 years ago.
If we go by stereotypes about liberals, she went home that night and celebrated by getting stoned.
In Iran/Middle East, she would've gotten stoned too. Probably by boulders.