Originally Posted By: ricobenes
Lol well Sam kept Obrien/Cerone under for a long time, never let them rise up, wouldn't let Obrien have his Melrose Park, so when he went away and Milwaukee Phil passed, the Obrien/Cerone faction made their move. They had to kill Sam, he would have started a war and would have never ever accepted a number two position to someone like Joey Obrien, whom he could not stand, which is well documented. So to answer your goofball ridiculous question, I think anyone would have murdered Sam, they were terrified of him. They just had to wait until Ricca passed to do the deed.
lol Sam came back a broken man after he got kicked out of Mexico he had no where to hide, after that he came back crawling back to Chicago. I agree with u that they waited for rica to pass before splitting money head open. But not out of fear for Sam who was a broken down old man who had no more power friends or connection by this time. Sam was living of borrowed time when he came crawling back to Chicago. And as soon as rica died so did old broken Sam......soliai