I don't think Romney lost the election so much as Obama won it. The exit polls show that Obama matched or exceeded his winning margin with the groups he won with in 2008. Unfortunately for the Republicans they got high on their own supply of thinking that 2008 was a fluke. It wasn't. The Republicans didn't think minority voters would come out again. They did. And they didn't think young voters of any group would come out again. They did. Rasmussen and Rove were full of it.
59% of the white vote used to be enough to win the Presidential election. It no longer is. It is going to take some time for Republicans to process that information. It is questionable as to whether they are capable of changing policies or at the very least changing the marketing of those policies. I hope that they do. Either way it will be an entertaining thing to watch. If they don't then they had better get used to losing presidential elections.
But changing demographics aside, the Republicans lost the Rust Belt and Upper Midwest which has not yet seen the sort of population shifts that took place in California, the Southwest and NY. Tons of whites in Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and other areas that have Republican governors turned out to vote for Obama. Part of the reason was the auto bailout and especially the lies that a desperate Romney told about Jeeps and China.
The Republicans have catered to a shrinking base and have allowed themselves to be painted/acted as racist 1%'ers who would drive over their grandmother to pick a nickel off the road. You simply can't go around calling the President a skinny ghetto crackhead or say 47% of people aren't sh** or say rape is no big deal or talk about self-deportation and then be surprised when people who may be in one of those groups you just insulted don't vote for you.
As the post-election bitter ugly comments by Nugent, O'Reilly, Trump, Limbaugh, Fred Barnes and others show there is a certain Republican demographic that won't change and can't change. But they'll be dead soon enough.

The next crop of Republicans will hopefully be savvier and smarter.