Originally Posted By: Black
Originally Posted By: ricobenes
God DAMN I've never seen anything like this! Guy gets humiliated in an internet forum, refuses to let it go! Kid, tuck your tail and go home! And quit typing that soliai bullshit or whatever the fuck it is pffftthahahaha

How much you wanna bet this groveling little maggot is from Belgium or Luxembourg or some farm bullshit, fapping to outfit documentaries ahahahaha.

BTW my uncle Dyno destefano says hi, says you're a fuckin goof coward lololol grin
You sound more and more retarded with every post. Take all your false claims and move on, nobody on here or anywhere else believes your horse shit. And throw your signed double cross book in the trash where it belongs kid......soliai

Why would he throw names out on a public message forum anyway? I don't think his uncle would be too pleased if he knew about this.