Yeah, I agree with Cicci. The Caporegime's who worked with Vito since the mid 1915s upto the 1950s deserve a better position. They ofcourse are more street smart and understand how everyone is when it comes down to business. Tessio was smart and had alot of good connection, if not he could easily make good connection. Clemenza was a good teacher, he taught perfectly, how to earn and how to kill. Tessio and Clem would of been involved in more murders unlike Mike. Michael only became Boss because he was Vito's son which is a bit selfish in the eyes of the Mob. It's like a soldier whacking a boss and becoming a boss himself, you can't do it like that, you have to earn how to play the game. Mike had it all for him since he was born, He could rely on everyone and had the bigger seat than them all because he was only the son of Vito. Tessio had played a major part in the Olive Oil War and also eliminated the Mariposa crime family in the 1930s. Tessio also killed Bruno Tattaglia in 1945. Tessio had realized that Michael was weak compared to Don Barzini though refused to strike back he plotted against Mike. Clemenza had experience killing Stracci, plotted Paulie Gatto's murder and also The Turk and Captain McCluskey so I believe Michael didnt deserve it.