IMHO tonight's epi was a little lame compared to last weeks. That's all I'm gonna say till others chime in.
It was alright, but i agree it cant compare to the week before. That episode could easily have been a seaosn finale for this or any other show.
SPOILER ALERTBut in this episode we do find out that Glen did actually shoot his mom (Rick found the bullet on the floor where Lori's body was) and then found a walker on the floor full after he ate/swallowed Lori. You could even see some of Lori's hair in that walker's mouth right before Rick killed it.
I learned all of this when I watched the Talking Dead afterwards (first time doing so).
It is very interesting how the story has gone so far, it is not following the arc of the comic books as closely as before which makes the show even more suspenseful/mysterious for people watching it.