I had some wacky, similar stuff going on last night with Chrome browser, but not here -- on Verizon's FiOS site. For some reason the other browsers worked fine (including IE -- ack!!)
I haven't heard of any specific issues concerning the server we're hosted on. It's quite possible that it could be a CloudFlare issue which is a service I started using a month or two ago that is supposed to PREVENT such things -- but since I've been pointing to their name servers, it's possible they've been having some hiccups there.
Is everyone that is having a problem here using IE or what? Do you have the same issues using a different browser? It's always a good idea to have at least one backup browser on your system to try. That would really help in narrowing down the problem. So pick one of these, in my particular order of preference:
Google Chrome
Apple Safari
Mozilla SeaMonkey
Mozilla Firefox
Whatever else...
Let me know if it seems to be browser-specific. If it's not, and it doesn't go away, then I will switch-off CloudFlare and see if things improve or not. If ClourFlare seems to be the issue, then I will contact them about it.
So keep posting those error messages, and please indicate which browser you're using, and, whether it also occurs in other browsers or not.
Thanks for your patience!