to answer the actual question.yes.

to expand-in the lucchese example,you had 3 bosses who ran the day to day. stevie wonder was slated to be the boss already, they were holding on to his spot since hes on supervision. a crew hands a envelope with 5 grand to big neil.big neil gives the other guys 1000 and says i only got 3 thats cosa nostra. the point being there all thieves but they gotta show respect to the guys who are in the same spot as them.

hairyknuckles and not sure what exactly the two of yas are argueing about but ill try and explain. once on the ruling panel, the capo aint a capo any more. hes a boss. im talking frankly in cosanostra terms.hes above all other skippers. he recieves envelopes every month/week/whatever. he outranks other capos at a sit. even tho hes still a capo, he reps the administration aka the boss.the rule is bosses meets with other bosses. a soldier can 'lie'. a capo cant be 'wrong'. a boss cant be lied to. these are the rules. at a sit, a skip from another family cant sit with a guy like migliore bc he represents the sit with a boss,under, or consiglieri, you need to be a boss, under,or consiglieri. if migliori wanted a soldier from another crew under him, hes got the right to 'take' him, but hee didnt get to where he is now by fucking over his own guys or other guys. so the scenerio itself defeats itself.